He Gave Us TWO

Today, I was driving as Megan pointed out in excitement that there were TWO blue markers. She was coloring; I was barely paying attention.

“Yep, two. That’s amazing,” I said with a fake enthusiasm.

And then…then it struck me. God could have given us one blue. But no, he gave us TWO. There are two different shades of blue to color with. And of course a thousand more. We have endless blues.

And for the slightest moment, y’all, there was a happiness in my heart. Over blue.

It may sound strange. And it is. But I’m working to regain some wonder in my life, some grace in my perspective on things. I want to be thankful, to see the world and the people and the LIFE all around me and stand in awe. And today, I had the tiniest of break-throughs. A slight little flicker of “happy” over the smallest of graces.

Which got me thinking. Because today is Alex & Erin’s 7th birthday. My twins are seven years old. And I refuse to bemoan it. I can’t…there’s too much WONDER in it.

Because there are TWO. I was expecting one and was blessed with two. Thinking I’d have to choose either/or, I got both/and. Thinking I’d could plan myself into “perfect” parenting, I got knocked on my butt with TWO. TWO tender-hearted, smart and funny, wonderful, getting-so-big crazy delightful little people. God gave us TWO. More than I could have asked for. More than I knew I wanted. More than I ever thought possible. A flicker of happy.

So today, for the color blue and for my fabulous twins, I knew WONDER.

See…even in that…God gave TWO.

So I give Him thanks. He gives me SO much more than I deserve.


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