Day 30: Why I’m Giving Up

Y’all. I have started this post at least four times today. I have gotten less than a paragraph on three different topics. And then school ended, and supper had to be made, and Timmy barfed and fell asleep on the couch, and Megan had her first every gymnastics class (which she loved), and Eric was finishing details of halloween costumes when we got home, and I loaded the dishwasher, and then we did prayers and bedtime story and final kisses and all. And I just remembered that I did not finish anything that looked like a meaningful post for today.

So I’m not going to try to finish any of the “great thoughts” that I started today. I’m giving up and will try again tomorrow. And that’s okay.

Some days are like that. There’s enough for what gets done and not a single solitary bit of extra. The big, necessary things get done and nothing else.

I will be back tomorrow for a final Write 31 Days post. I have not missed a single day, y’all. And I’m proud of myself for making this a priority. It was fun. It was a good challenge. It was reassuring to know I had lots of things to tell you about. It was encouraging to know you liked to read what I wrote.

But tonight, I’m going to give up on the grand scheme I had earlier in the day, give myself the grace to go small for once, and just go to bed.



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