Tuscora Park

My first coherent thought this morning was, “I should take the kids to the park today.” I saw Tuscora Park’s website months back and thought I should try to take the kids this summer. And today, I did. I actually did it. Despite all my normal issues about doing something I’ve never done before, I packed a lunch, packed the van, and drove to New Philadelphia. And it was good.

Tuscora Park is a great park (well maintained, great facilities, lots of things to do). It was a great day (no rain, lower humidity). There was only a small crowd. And the kids are in the perfect age range to enjoy the playgrounds and rides. 

Megan rode a ferris wheel without freaking out.

They got to ride a roller coaster for the first time.



They chased the ducks and climbed on rocks.


It was a very good day.



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